Our Kindle book Team Management: Achieving Business Results Through Teams will be FREE on Amazon on Thursday and Friday, November 15-16.
If You Have a Kindle Device…
If you have a Kindle device, in your device search in the store for <team management achieving> and download the free book.
Or, in your browser go to our Amazon book page and download the free book to your device.
If You Don’t Have a Kindle Device…
If you don’t have a Kindle device, no problem. You can get free Kindle apps to read Kindle books on your tablet, computer, or smartphone. Get the free apps here.
Then in your browser go to our Amazon book page and download the free book. It will appear in your app.
Feel free to tell all of your friends and contacts so that they can get the free book too.
Reviews are welcome. Just go to our Amazon page and click on Write a customer review.
If you have any questions or problems, please leave a comment below.